Gauntlets of Glory is a fantasy-themed tabletop game for two to four players that blends the exploration, scavenging and last-man-standing survival of a battle royale game with skirmish-style wargaming. Players build teams of 2 to 4 heroes by selecting a race and class for each hero. Heroes start the game with minimal equipment and are placed on a 3’ x 3’ battlefield where they navigate varied terrain, explore ruins, collect weapons, and plunder chests for armor, gold, and magic items. But time is of the essence! Heroes must eliminate all other opponents while avoiding being trapped outside of an ever-shrinking “safe area”. The winner is the player who controls the last hero, or team, that’s still alive!
“Gauntlets of Glory is a really satisfying skirmish. it scratches the itch of Kill Team in a quick setup fantasy setting that i can replay quick. One of the best wargames I have played ever.”
Andrew Lowen, designer of Deliverance.
“Gauntlets of Glory is responsible for some of the most fun and approachable skirmish warfare gaming that I’ve ever played. Though it was easy to access and quick to learn, the gameplay, loot, and shrinking play area forced me to keep evolving my strategy every turn.”
Bubba Stallcup, Founder of Love Thy Nerd.
“Gauntlets of Glory is a perfect blend on Random Number Generation (RNG) chaos and strategic decision making that has me hooked! It’s brutal, exciting, and quick to set up and play. Plus, with all the different characters you can make, it has incredible replay value!”
Brandon Butler, Creator of Moss Cloak
“The closest thing I’ve seen to a tabletop skirmish game version of one of my favorite video games, Unreal Tournament. As I was playing, I heard the words “Finish Him!” in my head.”
Mike Dunn, Editor-in-Chief of Tabletop at Gaming Trend
Take a look at the Hero generation process of Gauntlets of Glory.
i want to be a hero!
Take a look at how you can make a character to be proud of.
What does the base game contain? Here is the answer.
a game like no other.
Enjoy the vision. Enjoy the dream. See all the care and attention to detail that Gauntlets of Glory brings you.